Post natal

So you’re on the wild ride that is the parenthood rollercoaster, there’s a lot going on, and one thing that gets easily forgotten – is one of the most important – it’s you…  and once again it’s all about core stability.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, what does a man know about pregnancy? Well I’m constantly reading up on the subject, but crucially I have 4 young children of my own, and a lovely wife who has admirably withstood the rigours of 36 months of pregnancy. So I have a reasonable idea about what it involves.

Once you’ve got the go ahead to exercise from your doctor, I’ll guide you through the process of regaining your gorgeous pre-pregnancy figure and ditching the baggy pregnancy clothes and getting straight back into your skinny jeans. It could be simply sitting on an exercise ball and slowly rolling your hips round, we will carefully craft a program for you. We’ll work on your core stability – this will knit your abs back together and iron your stomach flat again, we’ll burn off any excess fat, tone the muscles, and we’ll get your posture back in line. 

We can exercise at your home – and it won’t bother me at all if you need to nip off and tend to the needs of your children. Or we can head out and about and take baby with us, I can rock the pram whilst you do the lunges!

Get in touch before life takes over…!